Wednesday, November 24, 2010

playing with leftover containers

As we got ready for thanksgiving we had leftover containers that lost their partner, so Dash played with them.

Monday, November 22, 2010

2 Big CU Wins

At Kyle's birthday party with fun party hats, We saved him before he hit himself.
Tailgate party with Papa.
Stretching out at the half, CU beat Iowa State.
Staying warm in 30 degree temperatures.
Playing with his tool bench while Nana watched him.

Playing on his new car push toy from Aunt Sara.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Chicago part 1

We visited Lily for her first birthday in Chicago. It was so much fun. We saw Aunt Sara and Uncle Jesus, The Greats- Aunt Karen, Uncle Ray, Uncle Mike, Aunt Janice, Uncle Pat, Aunt Hope, Aunt 'Phammm'. We also saw Mema, Cousins Lauren, Marty & Brett, Aunt Corinne, cousin June and more of Lily's friends.

Pretty Babies.

Uncle Ray playing with the babies.
Liliana had a great party, with friends, great food, cupcakes and gifts.

Her favorite gift was her first baby doll from her Nana and Tata.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Game Day and Halloween

Watching the U of A game at home!

Mommy trying to convince him its cool to be a Duck.

Since he was not loving the Duck, we changed to the skeleton.

Fun on Pearl Street for 1st trick or treat. Walking around the trick or treat streets, happy boy.