Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Soccer season, fall exploring

Good times with great boys.

Flying a spaceship at 1


Museum of nature and science with Nana

Big explorer


Football season

Shoulder rides


Cheese balls

Cowboy in pajamas

Very sleepy Cowboys in pajamas

Playing night night after bath time

Dash giving monkey bizness a thumbs up.

Art at monkey bizness


Soccer star bundled up.

Dash in the grey and whit hat. Sometime soccer is chilly or hot.

Listening to coach

Our cutie playing in front of the goal.

Dash on the soccer pile, grandpa in the background.

Friends and fellow tailgaters

Tailgating toddlers

Boys marching.

Cu vs Oregon. Boring to Jax.

Nana and Jax leaving the game.

Jax had RSV, poor oxygen, wheezing

1st Urgent care visit as parents in 3 1/2 years

Birthday party for Elijah. Dash jumping in a foam pit

He called it old cheese

Todd's 30th Birthday!


Finally food Jax eats.
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