Sunday, December 26, 2010

Dash is walking

Everytime I try to get a video of him walking he takes the video camera away from me, this is the best we could get. He started to walk on Wednesday 12/22.

This is his awesome bike from Nana and Papa. Thank you to everyone for thinking of Dash and giving him his awesome gifts. We had a very merry christmas.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Laughing attack

Christmas tree with Dash.

Dash late night laugh attack.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Just taking pictures

Pulling up to stand.
Waving hello.

Cutie pie.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Hanging with Dad.
Walking with Uncle Scott and Kirby.

Trashing the black Friday ads on Thanksgiving with Papa and Dad.

Playing with Donna

Hanging with the Ladies, Donna, Nana, and Foxy.

Thanskgiving feast with Roy, Donna, Scott, I'm in the swing between Dad and Mom, Nana and Papa.
Swinging while everyone eats.

11/30/10, just staring out the window at the christmas lights reflection on the lake.